
Welcome to the CERE2025 Submission Portal!

If you would like to present your research at #CERE2025, submissions will be accepted for the following categories:
- Abstract for an oral presentation that describes an individual research project;
- Abstract for a poster presentation that describes an individual research project;
- Abstracts for a symposium that consist of four to five oral presentations on a single research theme;
- Abstract for a data workshop that consists in the presentation of the transformations and statistical analysis of emotion-related data which should last between 45 and 60 minutes.

As #CERE2025 is an in-person conference, we expect all presenters to attend the conference to present in person. In order to encourage a diversity of speakers and research perspectives, #CERE2025 limits participants to one oral presentation per first author. Attendees can be listed as a co-author on multiple presentations, and speakers can also participate separately in symposia as a discussant.

All submissions must be written in English and will be subject to double-blind peer review by an international scientific committee. In order to facilitate the review process, submissions should indicate one or more keywords that describe the work.

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